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05 Apr


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Started: 5 April 2019 at 8:00 am
Ending: 5 April 2019 at 5:00 pm

5301 Campus Drive

The Fort Worth Links Leadership and Beyond program aims to cultivate and encourage thought leadership among young African American women in the city of Fort Worth. Thought Leaders are those whose considerations, recommendations,

product of sustained study, deep dialogue, and critical reflection. This is the model of thought leadership that the Fort Worth (TX) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated aims to encourage in the students who attend our program.

To achieve our goals, our program works with high achieving African American young women, grades 10th – 12th. The program consists of five modules that address timely and impactful current events, including historical and contemporary African American women’s leadership, Black Lives Matter activism, #BlackGirlMagic as a political and social movement, and African American political engagement. Each young woman chosen for the program will be paired with a

Fort Worth Links Chapter members for mentoring and will attend monthly sessions with the Program Chairs and team to discuss the different modules. Program participants will work on the research and public speaking skills as they work their way through the modules. The program will also emphasize job and college readiness and community building by hosting resume and college application workshops and networking opportunities for the participants.

Nobody Can Do Everything, Everyone Can Do Something