The first Leadership and Beyond program luncheon recognizing amazing high school ladies that are smart, talented, and destined to do amazing things was held at Tarrant County College on May 4, 2018. Attendees included Peter Jordan, Ed. D., President of TCC, Larry Rideaux, Ed. D., Vice President Student Development of TCC, Lisa Castillo, Principal, FWISD Collegiate High School, Lora Macauley, Everman, Sean Milligan, Ed. D., Associate Principal, Everman, Roxann Chargois, 17th Western Area Director, The Links, Incorporated, Patricia Russell McCloud, 11th National President, The Links, Incorporated, Theresa B. Lyons, Esq., President, Fort Worth Chapter, The Links, Incorporated, Fort Worth (TX) Chapter Coordinators and Mentors, and Leadership & Beyond Program Participants.